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Stella came to the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center when a raccoon rehabber in California discovered that she had a disability. Due to a neurological condition, Stella has a wobble to her walk that would not allow her to thrive in the wild.


While the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center typically releases raccoons back into the wild once they are in good health, they have taken Stella in as a permanent resident due to her condition. Since arriving at Southwest Wildlife, she has been an adorable raccoon ambassador for those raccoons that are taken in each season.


Obviously raccoons are not an animal that should not be thought of as a pet, but it is important to highlight the amazing work that sanctuaries do for animals in need such as Stella. Just as with Tod the fox in series one, we wanted to include sanctuaries that are doing this kind of work for animals of all shapes and sizes, because there are a lot of animals that are getting a good life that would have never thrived in the wild.

Stella measures 10 inches tall and is soft, cuddly, and ready to be a part of any family. For every Stella sold, 10% of net sales will be donated back to the sanctuary that takes care of her: Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center in Scottsdale, AZ, and you can read more about Stella and see pictures on the official Shelter Pets website.


All Shelter Pets come individually bagged with attached hangtags. Shelter Pets are recommended for ages 3 and up.  Learn more about each Shelter Pet's story and the shelter they came from at


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